2. Product information
  3. Precision air conditioning equipment Precision air conditioners (TCU/ECU) PAU Series
  4. Choosing a precision air conditioner (TCU/ECU)

Choosing a precision air conditioner (TCU/ECU)

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Choosing a precision air conditioner (TCU/ECU)

How to select a precision air conditioner (TCU/ECU) (all fresh system)

①Cooler (evaporator)
④Mixing box
⑤Blower fan

ⒶOutdoor Air (OA)
ⒷSupply Air (SA)

The basic air conditioning processes of precision air conditioners (TCU/ECU) are "cooling", "heating", "humidification" and "dehumidification". Unlike general air conditioners, it is necessary to select a model by calculating the required capacity for each process. However, since "dehumidification" is generally considered to be cooling and dehumidification, it is often calculated together with "cooling."

Formula to calculate required cooling and dehumidifying capacity

Required cooling and dehumidifying capacity [W] = Air volume [m³/min] × 60 × Enthalpy difference [kcal/kg(DA)] × Air density (1.2kg(DA)/m³) ÷ 0.86

What is the required cooling and dehumidifying capacity when air volume: 5m³/min, OA ①: 25℃, 60%, SA: 23℃, 55%?
OA①: 25℃, 60%: Specific enthalpy value → 13.24kcal/kg(DA)
SA: 23℃, 55%: Specific enthalpy value → 11.38 kcal/kg(DA), Dew Point 13.5℃
SA dew point 13.5℃, 100%: Specific enthalpy value →  9.06kcal/kg(DA)
Refer to the psychrometric chart below.
Calculated according to the formula of required refrigerant and dehumidifying capacity 5 × 60 × (13.24-9.06) × 1.2 ÷ 0.86 = 1750[W]

Formula to calculate required heating capacity

Required heating capacity [W] = Air volume [m³/min] × 60 × Enthalpy difference [kcal/kg(DA)] × Air density (1.2kg(DA)/m³) ÷ 0.86

Required heating capacity [W] = Air volume [m³/min] × 60 × (Set temperature - intake temperature) × (Air density × specific heat)(0.29kcal/m³) ÷ 0.86

What is the required heating capacity when air volume: 5m³/min, OA ①: 20℃, 40%, SA: 23℃, 55%?
Calculated according to the formula of required heating capacity 5 × 60 × (23-20) × 0.29 ÷ 0.86 = 304[W]

Formula to calculate required humidifying capacity

Required humidifying capacity [kg/h] = Air volume [m³/min] × 60 × Absolute humidity difference [kg/kg(DA)] ×Air density (1.2kg(DA)/m³)

What is the required humidifying capacity when air volume: 5m³/min, OA②: 20℃, 40%, SA: 23℃, 55%?
OA②: 20℃, 40%: Absolute humidity → 0.0058kg/kg(DA)
SA: 23°C, 55%: Absolute humidity → 0.0096kg/kg(DA)
Refer to the psychrometric chart below.
Calculated according to the formula of required humidifying capacity 5 × 60 × (0.0096 - 0.0058) × 1.2 = 1.368[kg/h]

Moist air h-x chart (Total pressure P = 760mmGh)